Locate Local Community Partners
Together with your local community partner, you can:
- Raise awareness by talking with members of your community about how you can protect Vermont’s young people from the dangers of tobacco products.
- Share your own personal message of support.
- Educate community leaders about options to decrease exposure to tobacco products and advertising – like content-neutral signage requirements or safety zones around schools and parks.
- Share images you see of tobacco advertising targeting youth in your community.
Rutland Regional Medical Center
160 Allen Street
Rutland, VT 05701
802-776-5515Heather Brouillard | hbrouillard@rrmc.org
Mt. Ascutney Prevention Partnership
289 Country Club Road
Windsor, Vt 05089
802-674-2900 ext.23Courtney Hillhouse | courtney.hillhouse@mahhc.org
Greater Falls Connections
44 School Street
Bellows Falls, VT 05101
802-463-9927 ext 209Laura Schairbaum | laura@greaterfallsconnections.org
Deerfield Valley Community Partnership
210 Route 9 East
Wilmington, VT 05363
802-464-2202Cindy Hayford | chayford@myfairpoint.net
Shelley Park | aspark802@gmail.com
Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition
130 Austine Drive #202
Brattleboro, VT 05301
802-257-2175Cassandra Holloway | cassandrabapc@gmail.com
Gail Bourque | gail.bourque@youthservicesinc.org
Rolf Parker | olf.bapc@gmail.com
Central Vermont New Directions Coalition
73 Main Street, #33
Montpelier, VT 05602
802-223-4949Ann Gilbert | agilbert@cvndc.org
Ginny Burley | gburley@cvndc.org
Healthy Lamoille Valley
480 Cady’s Falls Road
Morristown, VT 05661
802-730-6599Jessica Bickford | jessica@healthylamoillevalley.org
Alison Link | alison@healthylamoillevalley.org
Franklin Grand Isle Tobacco Prevention Coalition
133 Fairfield Street
St. Albans, VT 05478
802-524-1296Amy Brewer | abrewer@nmcinc.org
Winooski Partnership for Prevention
32 Malletts Bay Avenue
Winooski, VT 05404
802-655-4565Kate Nugent | katenugent@winooskiprevention.org
Whitney Keefner | wkeefner@winooskiprevention.org
Burlington Partnership for a Healthy Community
236 Riverside Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
802-652-0997Mariah Sanderson | mariah@burlingtonpartnership.org
Tara Rueckert | tara@burlingtonpartnership.org
Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital
297 Summer Street
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
802-748-8400Cheryl Chandler | c.chandler@nvrh.org
Tennyson Marceau | t.marceau@nvrh.org
The Collaborative
91 VT RT 11
Londonderry, VT 05148
802-824-4200Victoria Silsby | Victoria@thecollaborative.us
Maryann Morris | Maryann@thecollaborative.us

Help Sound The Alarm
Sharing this important information with your own social network is a simple way to help spread the work about how the tobacco industry targets Vermont’s youth.

Are You A Retailer?
Your store can help protect Vermont’s youth from tobacco. Here are a few options to consider:
- Take down exterior-facing tobacco ads such as sandwich boards or ads in
windows. - Choose to not advertise tobacco products by not displaying any ads inside or outside of your store.
- Take a step further and keep all tobacco products out of sight (under the counter or in a cabinet).
- Volunteer to stop selling flavored tobacco products.
- Volunteer to stop selling all tobacco products.
Vermont Retailers are Taking a Stand Against Tobacco
Vermonter retailers are reducing tobacco’s impact on the young people in our state.
Contact Us to share your story.